a united Europe by train 🚎 🌍

What if you could type in your journey’s starting point located in “country A” and its destination in “country B”, and immediately be shown all possible train combination options – along with their total travel times and prices? Then embark on your journey through Europe using one single ticket. This is exactly what benerail is actively working on!

Our mission is to combine all railways from all European countries into one virtual railway system. No more manually trying to piece together international train trips. Via our unique API platform, we make the booking process simple, accessible, stress-free and crystal clear. 🚎 Basically, we do the work for you!

Why promote international travel by train?

  • Simply put, travel by train is absolutely the wave of the future.
  • Green travel: As part of the European Green Deal to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, the EU named 2021 as “European Year of Rail”. Its goal was to highlight trains as the most ideal means of connecting people for a united carbon-neutral Europe.
  • Time saved: No need to travel well outside the city to an airport, only to wait another 1.5-3 hours before your flight takes off. Then there’s the sit-and-wait process once you arrive – and that’s without checked luggage! With the train, you arrive just before departure time, travel stress-free with your luggage in hand, then hop off in the center of town. Depending on the travel, it can also be literally faster than plane or car.
  • Safest transport mode: Just sit back and relax. Better yet, catch a night train and enjoy some hours filled with sweet dreams! It’s also more “Corona-proof” than by plane.
  • Cool factor: Traveling by train is now also becoming hip again. You get to actually see the countryside, not just clouds in the sky as with a plane.

Combinability: key in “travel by train” becoming the new norm

While train travel through Europe has almost all ingredients needed to surpass the use of trains and cars for longer distance travel, the one factor left to win these travelers over would simply be a more accessible booking process. One where they can not only book all train legs on one site but also compare at-a-glance all trip options.

This is exactly where benerail comes in– by seamlessly bridging the gap between countries. Benerail’s combinability gives the power back to the people – and to travel resellers! The traveler gets to make educated decisions based on available travel options, to include overall time and cost.

Benerail mission

At present, benerail combines 17 railway systems in Europe to cover 15 countries. With almost two decades of experience under our belts in combinability for seamless international travel, we are currently in the process of actively connecting all European destinations. Once complete, we will be able to deliver an 800+ km reach of climate-neutral travel.

Join us

Benerail can save you time, effort and stress on booking international train journeys. This means you’ll free up more resources to spend on what matters most to your business winning new customers while keeping current customers happy.

Contact us now to discuss how we can support you in simplifying and streamlining your workload. https://www.benerail.com/contact